
Heads Up!

Fill in the form and send. Please use the data as stated in your passport or EU ID-card. (A crew list is required by the port authorities).

Please await a confirmation from us before you send any money.

Once you are confirmed and have paid, please go ahead and book your tickets to our port of embarkation. Read the Travel & Ticket in the Q&A section on the SignUp page.

The form below can be erratic on some platforms/browsers. Contact us by conventional e-mail: info@ (this domain) if you are not redirected to to the confirmation page after sending. 


Sponsorship (see below)

Select your posion (one or more)

2 + 14 =


These trips have been priced as low as possible to enable everyone to come. They offer tremendous value at a very low price. Still, in this broken world they remain out of reach financially for many. For some the cost of this trip represents a tiny portion of what’s in the bank. For others it can represents several months of earnings. For that reason we have this sponsorship program. It is to enable people from lesser affluent backgrounds to come, and to give us all an opportunity to help. The cultural diversity onboard has been one of the high points of the trips in the past.

Even a modest donation could be a big help for someone struggling to make it. Donations will be strictly applied to sponsor participants only. You can either give anonymously, or we’ll pair you up with a sponsoree if you prefer. It’s up to you.

If you would like to donate, contact us for REVOLUT & WISE alternatives. You can also do so securely here through PayPal. 

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/sasint-3639875/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1807524">Sasin Tipchai</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1807524">Pixabay</a>

Need a hand?

Does this sound like something you really need but completely priced out of your reach? (Typically the equivalent of several months salaries for you).

Life has taught us that things of true value only comes through sacrifice. And yet sometimes looting your treasure chest might not be enough. Don’t give up just yet. Maybe our ‘sponsor-a-pirate-program’ can lend a helping hand.

Do not be hesitant. Let us know of your need. We take all requests under serious and prayerful consideration and will assign any donations we can raise towards such needs. We give priority to people from non-western countries, and people who are involved in full-time ministry or voluntary work.