An Expedition In Search of Life
"A single journey can change the course of a whole life"
“That was totally awesome. You guys are totally awesome! Every single one of you!”
“I wanted to share how much the boat trip meant to me, it was the first time in a long time I felt so alive.”
“Once again a hearty thank you for the fantastic time in Greece on board the yacht…it was a trip of a life time.”
“I could not be grateful enough for the whole trip and the adventure we enjoyed.”
“Wow! What a time! We spend too much time just ‘getting thru life’ rather than really living it. During our week I think we really LIVED!”

The greatest kind of treasure hunt

Living Journey sailing expeditions are spiritual treasure hunts. They were developed by a group of people who were tired of pretension and performance-based acceptance and who were hungry to know authentic life.

We all dream of a full life and yet we find ourselves confused and frustrated. Too often we must pose in order to gain value, identity and acceptance. Weighed down by all the shoulds and musts, we learn that behaviour-correction doesn’t solve the problem. That’s when we discover that we need more than improvement. We seek a new approach to life itself.

Inspired by early Christian ideas, these trips are recreational, non-religious, expeditions for men and women who are hungry to discover the real meaning of spiritual life. Spending a week onboard a yacht, sailing in the Mediterranean, will offer you’ll plenty of opportunities also to navigate and sail, relax, wine & dine, swim, and behold the beauty of the sea. Welcome aboard, as we set sail on a voyage of discovery!
“Living in a world of surrogates, man is doomed to live off himself. Without a maker, the world ceases to enchant. Man cultivates his image in front of others and becomes the puppet of opinions. He becomes a stranger to himself and is no longer master of his own house”.  – Anders Piltz (paraphrased)

The vessel

We set sail on a whole variety of modern charter sailing yachts in the 50+ foot range and primarily sail in the the Mediterranean, mostly Greece and Croatia. These yachts usually have 4-5 double cabins and most modern conveniences. There is also a large saloon which can sleep two people, plus plenty of room in the cockpit and on deck for those wishing to sleep under the stars. We are usually an international group on board, consisting of up to 10 people.

The destination

We’ll be sailing in some of the finest cruising areas anywhere. In Greece we sail primarily in the Cyclades, the Saronic Gulf or the Sporades, all in the Aegean Sea. In Croatia we sail mostly among the islands between Zadar and Split. These large archipelagos with literally hundreds of islands offer plenty of sheltered seas and calm anchorage in almost any weather. We try to stay on anchor in natural harbours at nights and only go into ports when needed. There is no set route as we don’t need to get anywhere in particular, the journey is the destination.

Wonder, discovery, surrender and freedom!
“Adding life to your years – not just years to your life.”

Life onboard

Daily life onboard revolves around rest, fun and reflection. Our aim is to provide an environment where we can all relax and really enjoy ourselves. The day starts with a rich, (but not necessarily early), breakfast. Depending on weather, (and consensus), we often have a morning swim before hoisting sails, setting out for a new destination. Around mid-day we’ll eat lunch, underway or at anchor. Snacks and drinks are readily available throughout the day, so no one will go thirsty or hungry. We’ll usually sail 3-6 hours per day, depending on weather and itinerary. In the late afternoon we normally anchor in a natural harbour or possibly go into a small port.

Great food

We value good food and have a fairly decent food budget. A dedicated cook onboard works hard within the constrains of a small galley and limited storage to create really enjoyable meals. We serve an international cuisine focusing on local produce. We offer cold beer in the heat of the day and decent wine with the meal, (if that is your preference). Meal times tend to be one of the highlights of the day. Let us know well in advance if you have any dietary restrictions  and we will do our utmost to accommodate you.

All hands on deck

Being at sea on a yacht together offers a dynamic not experienced elsewhere. We have to work in sync to harness the wind and get us towards our destination. Everybody helps out. Navigating, trimming the sails, and steering the ship keeps us present and in the moment.

You’ll have as much hands-on as you like, and will have ample opportunity to learn about sailing. Or you can also just kick back and doze off if you prefer!

Into the night

In the evening we usually have an informal gathering in the saloon for those who are interested. (Some might fancy a night swim or stroll ashore instead.)

With the help of movie clips we present a subject for discussion. We attempt to navigate universal topics such as human value, origin, nature, justice, forgiveness, surrender and transformation (all inspired by early Christian thinking).

Our conversation is open, inclusive and easygoing. There is room for everybody, regardless of culture, background, confession or tradition. Many times we end up sitting around the saloon table, talking late into the night.

We often have several different nationalities onboard, plus many different backgrounds. This provides an opportunity for fresh perspectives and new insights, rarely found back home.

Though we navigate some spiritual issues we purposely steer clear of the common religious activities. We have no set expectation on anyone onboard. You are welcome as you are, and not just as you should be.


Is Living Journey for you?

While we intend to have plenty of fun, you have probably realised that Living Journey isn’t just about having fun! It’s also seeking to navigate some deeper existential subjects. You don’t need to have a defined faith or religion to enjoy this trip. But you probably would not enjoy the experience as much without some existential and philosophical interests. A trip like this would probably be particularly beneficial if you are at a new junction in life, a place of transition, regardless of nature. Somethings most of us encounter in mid life.

While we emphasize everybody’s freedom in participation, we have also learned that each trip is very much shaped by group dynamics. We seek to instill openness and trust onboard, something that naturally will only develop with the co-operation from everyone on board towards everyone. We always begin our trips by asking for a commitment to respect and protect everyone’s privacy, liberty and integrity onboard. We give no room for judging each other. It also means giving room to others, extroverts listening to introverts, etc. For some this might be an exercise.

A group’s collective experience can succeed or fail on delicate and seemingly minor factors. Occasionally we might therefore try to balance the group makeup by recommending applicants to specific trips other than the trip requested. If you have any questions regarding your place on the crew, no matter how trivial they may be to you, we’d much rather you talk with us about it first.

Sailing Dates

Greek Islands 2024

This year we will be exploring some of the Greek islands onboard a comfortable 4+ cabin yacht. We set out from Kos, marina less than a 30 min drive from Kos International airport.

Greece has over 6,000 islands and islets, scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, of which only 170 are inhabited, offering plenty of options for us.

Our final itinerary will  be determined by the weather as we prefer “fair winds and following seas”. The Dodecanees is our area while the eatsern Cyclades are in comfortable reach for us. All of these islands offer a spectacular scenery.

October 19 – 26

Embarkation 17:00
Disembarkation 9:00

For more information click here >>

Cost 875€
All food & drink onboard is included.
Not included; personal travel to & from the port on Kos, travel insurance and personal spending money.

GDPR - Privacy Policy

We are sworn by blood oath to guard and protect all your private secrets.  Whatever you send us, we store in a locked (encrypted) treasure chest, well hidden. We will never sell you out, or pass on any information regarding you. Neither for money or political gain. We will never let any governments, organizations, businesses or individuals get any access to our data. We are also sworn by oath to destroy and dump your private secrets in the deep ocean at your request.

We do not install anything on your computer or track you through our website, except for possibly some simple cookies displaying the images and forms on this site. You are safe with us. Pirates honor!

As a matter of fact, we recommend that you install and use VPN whenever you surf on the web. It is a dark and sinister world we live in.


‘To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must rest on a firm foundation of financial unrest… “I’ve always wanted to sail to the South Seas, but I can’t afford it.” What these men can’t afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of security. And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine. And before we know our lives are gone. ‘What does a man need, really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in – and some form of activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That’s all, in a material sense, and we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade. ‘The years thunder by. The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed. ‘Where, then, lies the answer? In choice. Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?’

from ”Voyage” by Sterling Hayden (1976)

Moving Pictures

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